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Saturday, 10 November 2012

Categories Your Blog Posts by Sending Them to A Particular Page

If you are using blogger then you'll find a little demerit. Blogger has the option to create pages but you can't keep your posts in a particular page so your pages became useless. But with a simple trick you can do this, you can categories all your posts according to the pages you created and when you click on that page all the posts of that category will shown on that page. Its quite easy to do just follow these simple steps.

Step 1: Go to Blogger and sign in to your account, then select your blog as we always do.

Step 2: Now you have to go to the layout option and then click on add a gadget. Scroll down you need to find labels, and select labels and add that to your template.
Configure your label and click on save to add to your blog. 
Now go to your post and in any post click on edit. On the right side under post settings you'll find labels simply click on that and add the category name for your post it may also be the page name in which this post will have to go. Type the name and click on Done. 
Now update your post. 

Step 3: Go to pages and select the page in which you want to keep the post and click on edit, if you don't created the page then create it from new page. You'll See two button just above the post area where you type the content, Compose and HTML, click on HTML. 

Step 5: Copy the following code and past it on the page. Now go to your blog you'll see labels right click on the label which you want to categories on this page and click Copy link address (see the image) and past that address in place of the paste your url (in double quotes) and update or save the page. 

Now you're done you can repeat these steps to all of your posts. But a little problem is that the labels and the pages both will be seen on your blog and its look like both are same and repeated so I advise you to hide labels from the blog for this just go to the layout option and in label click edit and then
1. Remove the title
2. On show option mark selected labels the click edit and then unmark all categories. 
3. Save

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