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Friday, 5 April 2013

Read Facebook Message and Stay Undetected by Friends

If you don't want to reply some people on Facebook Chat. Now for past this was easy, just don't reply them and pretend that you did not read their message. 

But Facebook has given a new function seen. When you read your friends message your friends will get a notification in their chat box that you have seen the message.
And in Facebook there is no privacy option to disable it. 
But it can be disabled by a third party application on your browser.
For Google Chrome
  • Go to this link -> FB Unseen
  • Simply install this application on chrome.
  • Now after installation it is activated your friend won't be able to the seen notification doesn't matter whether you read their messages or not. 
For Mozilla Firefox
Disabling with Ad Block 
    • For Mozilla fire fox -> Adblock Plus
    • For Google Chrome -> Adblock Plus
    • Just install Adblock Plus in your browser and block the following URL 
    Uninstallation is simple just remove the extension or unblock the given URL.
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