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Friday, 5 April 2013

Make Any Type Of Facebook Smiley

Are you get bored with classic facebook smileys. There are only 21 default facebook smileys. But you can create any type of smiley.
f9 Set of Smileys
These are some other smileys which can be made by these codes.
[[f9.laugh]] [[f9.sad]] [[f9.angry]] [[f9.sleepy]] [[f9.shock]] [[f9.kiss]] 
[[f9.inlove]] [[]] [[]] [[f9.rain]] [[f9.bomb]] [[f9.sun]] 
[[f9.heart]] [[f9.heartbreak]] [[]] [[f9.ghost]] [[f9.brb]] 
[[]] [[]] [[f9.adore]] [[f9.angel]] [[f9.baloons]] 
[[f9.bowl]] [[f9.cake]] [[f9.callme]] [[f9.clap]] [[f9.confused]] 
[[f9.curllip]] [[f9.devilface]] [[f9.lying]] [[f9.rofl]] [[f9.billiard]] 
[[f9.cakepiece]] [[f9.rosedown]] [[f9.shutmouth]] [[f9.shy]] [[f9.silly]] 
[[f9.tongue1]] [[f9.fastfood]] [[f9.ring]] [[f9.plate]] [[f9.candle]] 

Some Set of Big Faces

You can get the codes for these faces here:
Symbol Generator

You can generate many type of symbols from here:
Fancy Text Generator

Want to write your text in some fancy other fonts in your chat box then go here and create fancy texts
Convert Images to Smiley

You can convert any image to facebook smiley. Just upload your image and get the smiley code from here 

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