Here are some interesting Facebook Pranks for you. You can surprise or fool your friends.
Facebook Ghost
Here is an interesting website. It looks like a facebook profile. The profile image looks like a ghost and the most interesting thing that a ghost came from the wall. Just visit this link and you will get what I am saying.
Status Prank
Here is an interesting Facebook link for you all.
If you checked it then you are a little amazed it redirects you to your facebook home page.
Now how can you use this as a prank.
Just post a status like this:
"Hey friends The Cyber Crime Department of our city is searching for a
suspicious person. He was planning to do some bomb blasts in India.
Probably he is from a terrorist group. Probably the person's profile id
Report it."
Now when your friends will click on it they will redirect to their own homepage and will think that they are the suspect.
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