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Friday, 5 April 2013

Dream Catcher: Will Reveal Dreams of Sleeping People

The scientists of Japan created a computer that can read the sleeping minds. The chose three volunteer for this. The volunteers has slept in MRI machine. After 6 minute they woke up and asked about the dream that what they had seen. They continued this process for 200 dreams for each volunteer. While this Dream Catcher kept catching the rays of their brains. At last they decoded the brain scans, it has proven that the dream catcher can read our dreams. According to the scientists the results are 60 percent accurate.

How to Delete Labels: Blogger

When I tried to remove some labels from my blog then I found that it is a bit difficult. 
The blogger interface don't gives any direct option for this. Although we can remove it one by one by editing each post and removing the label from the post.
When the label which you want to remove is removed from every post, that label is removed from your blog. 
Editing All the posts one by one really a tough and boring task to do. 
But we can remove the labels from more than one posts. 

Hide LinkWithin Widget From Home Page Of Your Blog

LinkWithin is a good widget for keeping your visitors to your blog, but when you simply install linkwithin it spoils the look of your home page. 
Basically it is not working properly in 90 percent cases. 
It come to home page and spoils the look of the home page of blog. 
Here I will tell you how to install linkwithin without spoiling your home page in other words how can we hide this widget from appearing on our home page.

You Might Also Like Widget By Editing HTML: Blogger

 If you want to keep your visitor on your blog then this widget is really a good idea. 
Although I already teach you how can you add it to your blogger with LinkWithin. You can read it from below. 

But this time we will not use any third party service to do this. 
We will just edit our HTML Code. It is far better from using LinkWithin. Now lets see how can you add this on your blog. 

Spinning Social Icons

Here some stylish social icons for you which give your blog a professional and impressive look. I am also using this social icon and I think its best.
So if you want the same then right place for you.
This is designed with CSS effects and very easy to setup in your blog.
If you are using blogger then just simply copy the following code and go to your blog layout and the select to add a gadget then select HTML/JavaScript and then on the content box paste the code and save.

Cool Subscription Box For Your Blog

Adding a subscription box below every post on your blog is quite a good idea for getting subscribers. When a visitor ends reading your article he or she will see this box.
Now how can you add it to your blog?
This is what I will teach you. Just follow these simple steps.
For this you need a feed burner account.

You Might Also Like Widget

This widget is very good for your blog, when a reader reaches the end of your post he will see this and it can be possible that he like a post from these and will open the post.
Now, let me introduce you LinkWithin.
It is a free service giving you this widget.

Download Facebook Albums In A Single Click

You want to download your friend's photo album from Facebook but its to boring to download photos one by one. I also feel the same so that here is a trick for you.
You can download your friends album with only a single click.
Let me introduce you Facebook2zip

It is an awesome service which gives you to download the whole album with a single click. 

Make Any Type Of Facebook Smiley

Are you get bored with classic facebook smileys. There are only 21 default facebook smileys. But you can create any type of smiley.
f9 Set of Smileys
These are some other smileys which can be made by these codes.
[[f9.laugh]] [[f9.sad]] [[f9.angry]] [[f9.sleepy]] [[f9.shock]] [[f9.kiss]] 
[[f9.inlove]] [[]] [[]] [[f9.rain]] [[f9.bomb]] [[f9.sun]] 
[[f9.heart]] [[f9.heartbreak]] [[]] [[f9.ghost]] [[f9.brb]] 
[[]] [[]] [[f9.adore]] [[f9.angel]] [[f9.baloons]] 
[[f9.bowl]] [[f9.cake]] [[f9.callme]] [[f9.clap]] [[f9.confused]] 
[[f9.curllip]] [[f9.devilface]] [[f9.lying]] [[f9.rofl]] [[f9.billiard]] 
[[f9.cakepiece]] [[f9.rosedown]] [[f9.shutmouth]] [[f9.shy]] [[f9.silly]] 
[[f9.tongue1]] [[f9.fastfood]] [[f9.ring]] [[f9.plate]] [[f9.candle]] 

Contact Form For Your Blog

If you want to give your blog a professional look then your blog should have a contact form. Here I will tell you to create a form for your blog.
Kontactr is an absolutely free website which allows you to create contact form for your website. Lets see how can we create a contact form for your website.
Creating Contact Us Form
  1. Go to Kontactr and sign up for an account and activate your account and login.
  2. You will see a script in column under AJAX Widget, copy that code. 

Protect Your Facebook Account

Todays Facebook is number one Social Networking site. Now almost every person who uses internet has a Facebook Account and now it is extremely essential for our online identification.

As we know how much facebook is important for us but still we did not take the security of of our facebook account seriously.
There are almost 60 percent facebook users who don't take the security of their facebook account seriously and that is why now days facebook accounts are hacked. So if you want to protect your facebook account then here are some tips for you.

Hide Your Blog Title From Search Results

Here is an good and effective trick for SEO for your blogger. Usually when your blogs result is viewed in Google and other search engines. They are like this:
As you can see in the image above, the blog name in every result. Now the demerit of these type of results is that when someone search something, that keyword will never match with your blog name and your blog will be in less ranking in the results and when the blog name is removed from the results, chances of matching the posts name with search keyword will increase and your blog's result will get higher ranking in search results.

Facebook Pranks

Here are some interesting Facebook Pranks for you. You can surprise or fool your friends.
Facebook Ghost
Here is an interesting website. It looks like a facebook profile. The profile image looks like a ghost and the most interesting thing that a ghost came from the wall. Just visit this link and you will get what I am saying.

Status Prank
Here is an interesting Facebook link for you all.
If you checked it then you are a little amazed it redirects you to your facebook home page. 
Now how can you use this as a prank. 
Just post a status like this: 
"Hey friends The Cyber Crime Department of our city is searching for a 
suspicious person. He was planning to do some bomb blasts in India. 
Probably he is from a terrorist group. Probably the person's profile id 
Report it."
Now when your friends will click on it they will redirect to their own homepage and will think that they are the suspect.

Read Facebook Message and Stay Undetected by Friends

If you don't want to reply some people on Facebook Chat. Now for past this was easy, just don't reply them and pretend that you did not read their message. 

But Facebook has given a new function seen. When you read your friends message your friends will get a notification in their chat box that you have seen the message.
And in Facebook there is no privacy option to disable it. 
But it can be disabled by a third party application on your browser.

Free Domain Name For Your Blog

Tired with the name or 
Want your own domain name?
But don't want to invest money?
Yes you can get a free domain name. 
This website is providing free domain names for everyone. Yes absolute free but there is only a single demerit you can only get a domain with .tk in last. e.g. 

Install Windows XP in 15 minutes

The most famous operating system. It is still hanging as a dominant windows. It is the second most popular version of windows. Windows 8 has released but still many of the users recommend windows xp and perhaps you are also from one of them who always recommends windows xp.
Now as you know when we install windows xp it takes a lot of time about 40 minutes. 
Now here is a trick for you to install it in less than 15 minutes. We can change the priority of the windows setup and then it will install more quickly.