Strange, but its true...Suniel and Mana Shetty's 18 years old daughter Athiya, who apparently all set to make her Bollywood debut opposite Jackie Shroff's son Tiger in Sajid Nadiawala Heropanti, is kept under wraps by her parents. In fact during her mom's new store launch, which was attended by almost entire Bollywood fraternity, Suniel requested the photographers not to take her photographs. "I requested for a picture of her, but he requested me to respect her privacy," says a photographer. While there are talks about pretty Athiya Making her debut with Tiger, interestingly Jackie, his wife Ayesha and Son Tiger were conspicuous by their absence at the launch party. Our sources say Suniel felt if Jackie and his wife were invited, it will add on to the rumours and that's why he decided not to invite them.
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