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Monday, 14 January 2013

Some Exercises with Programming in C++

We learn a lot about C++ so far. Now we should try to solve some problems. 

Here are the problems.  

1. Write a program to make a calculator.  
2. Write a program to print Fibonacci series. 
3. Write a program to find reverse of a given number. 
4. Write a program to add two matrix. 
5. Write a program to multiply  two matrix. 

6. Write a program to find transpose of a matrix. 

7. Write a program which will find sum of rows and columns in a matrix and display the result rows and column-wise in the output screen. 

8. Write a program to find both right and left diagonal in a matrix and sum of the each diagonal elements. 

9. Write a program to find the reverse of a string. 

10. Write a program to to find the length of a string. 

11. Write a program to find the characters in a string. 

12. Write a program to print the string in proper case, title case, lower case and upper case. 

13. Write a program to check the word is palindrome or not. 

14. Write a program to check the number is palindrome or not.

15. Write a program to sort integers. 

16. Pattern Programs. 

The answers will be posted soon but you should try to solve the problems by your own. 
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