All popular search engines like Google, bing, Yahoo and others spider the entire Internet, recording all the metadata details and keywords that appear on all the pages are then used to determine a page's quality and rank in the search results (along with multiple other criteria). Along with recording metadata and keywords, most search engines also take a snapshot of all webpages on the Internet and store a cache copy of them. This can be extremely useful for users who are stuck behind company, college or government firewalls and are not allowed to access certain websites.
When the access to a particular webpage is blocked by your network administrator nevertheless you may still be able to access it by viewing a cached copy of it on a search engine.
All you need to do this is
Step 1
Start your browser and connect to any popular search engine of your choice. Here we are going to use Google for this example.
Step 2
write this
cache:<website you want to access>
When you are viewing a cached page, typically Google will mention at the top the date and time from which the cached copy is being displayed. This may vary from webpage to webpage, depending upon how often google spiders that respective webpage.
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